Issue 5 of the Journal of the TEI published: TEI Infrastructures

I am delighted to announce the publication of Issue 5 of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative Initiative. This special issues on TEI Infrastructures was guest edited by Tobias Blanke and Laurent Romary.

The issue contains six articles that deals with the TEI as infrastructure from several different perspectives:

* PhiloLogic4: An Abstract TEI Query System by Timothy Allen, Clovis Gladstone, and Richard Whaling;
* TAPAS: Building a TEI Publishing and Repository Service by Julia Flanders and Scott Hamlin;
* Islandora and TEI: Current and Emerging Applications/Approaches by Kirsta Stapelfeldt and Donald Moses;
* TEI and Project Bamboo by Quinn Dombrowski and Seth Denbo;
* TextGrid, TEXTvre, and DARIAH: Sustainability of Infrastructures for Textual Scholarship by Mark Hedges, Heike Neuroth, Kathleen M. Smith, Tobias Blanke, Laurent Romary, Marc Küster, and Malcolm Illingworth;
* The Evolution of the Text Encoding Initiative: From Research Project to Research Infrastructure by Lou Burnard

I would also like to publicly thank Kevin Hawkins, who has fulfilled his term of office and has stepped down as the Journal’s founding Managing Editor. Kevin’s editorial acumen, skill in establishing workflows and processes, attention to detail, and knowledge of the TEI was instrumental in establishing the journal.

I would also like to welcome Martin Holmes as the new Managing Editor. Martin began taking over Kevin’s responsibilities with this issue and I have no doubt that he will build on Kevin’s excellent work.

This is also a reminder that Issue 7 is the Journal’s first open call for articles. Articles are due 28 October, so if you were wondering what you might do over your summer holidays, this may just be the project! Details here:

Susan Schreibman
Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of the TEI